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  • Launching Tranquil Range of freshwipes

    Tranquil range of Kosher f r e s h w i p e s self-dispensing packs provide consumer benefits beyond just ultra-fine paper tissue. Every design in t...
  • Launching Bottled Bamboo Facial Tissue

    Bottled Kosher Bamboo f r e s h w i p e s serve very good while on the move. The container being sturdy keeps the very supple Kosher Bamboo f r e s...
  • Launching Bamboo Paper Tissues now in India

    Kosher Bamboo range of paper tissue products are made from pure bamboo pulp and are processed sustaining its natural properties without using any ...

    Kosher f r e s h w i p e s Bottom Utility Tray is good to keep things that are frequently needed but are often misplace Kosher f r e s h w i p e s...
  • Introducing Just-a-piece puller in all our f r e s h w i p e s boxes.

    Now you will pull ju s t a pie ce o f ko sher freshwipe from all our sel f-di spensing pull-a-pie ce boxes . In all our fre shwipe s boxe s – rec...
  • Kosher M-fold in 125 pulls

    Kosher M Fold (multifold) Washroom Towels are used to wipe-dry hands and face after a water splash wash and also to wipe-o sweat and dirt. Kosher M...
  • Launching Kosher Tissue House

    TissueHouse is presented with (underground !!) warehouse to store three times more Kosher f r e s h w i p e s . That’s 1 x 100 plus 3 x 100 rell p...
  • Kosher Freshwipes now in Pyramid Box

    Kosher pyramid self-dispensing freshwipes box structure is small and hence is presented with only 50 freshwlpes (pulls) in a box.Kosher pyramid bo...